By: Dani Bernal
Brand awareness is vital for promoting a new product or an already existing brand. At Vision Matrix, we've prepared a list of things you shouldn't forget while planning to ensure that your brand is widely known after your next corporate event.
1. Social media
Social media has proven to be the best strategy for marketing and creating brand awareness. Many people now opt to promote their brands through sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, among other social media sites. To create brand awareness through social media, you will need to be very active on the platforms. It is necessary because your brand will reach many people simultaneously. Set up charging stations at your event, create a hashtag for the occasion, make a call to action to post on social media. All these steps at your event should increase your brand visibility.
2. Know your target audience
Promoting your brand requires you to know and understand your target audience. knowing your audience will let you know to whom you are aiming to sell your products. While you're at an event, tailor the event theme, raffle items, and music to fit your audience. This will elevate their mood and deliver an organic resonance with your brand, which is very important when attracting new customers.
3. Create an event website
A website for your brand is essential for creating brand awareness. You can post all your upcoming events and all the products you wish your customers to know through this website. Make the website readily accessible to ensure that people can get to it. By doing so, your brand will gain more clients, and this will also create more revenue for your company.
4. Run a PR campaign
Write up a press release confirming the date of your event and what you intend to do at the event concerning your brand. This could be done through local newspapers, blogs, or even industry magazines to reach as many potential customers as possible.
5. Collaborate with other businesses
Sometimes in business, it is not always about competing. When promoting your brand, you may look for other companies that aim at selling their products to the same target audience you have. Joining with these businesses to promote your brands simultaneously can be an excellent way of getting to your audience. A few ways you can do this at an event is by having them donate raffle items, offering them a chance to sponsor your event, and you can always find ways to co-host together as well.
6. Be a Sponsor
You don't always have to throw an event to gain brand recognition. You can also else's event. Sponsoring an event is another excellent way to reach your much-needed audience. However, you have to be careful when choosing who or what to support. Sponsor something closely related to what you aim to promote through them. Making the right sponsorship choice is one of the best ways to meet your potential clients.
7. Invest in Gifts for Promotional Purposes.
Clients always want to feel seen and heard. Organizing giveaways for your customers is an excellent way to promote your brand. For example, setting up some instructions to be followed before winning the giveaways is a good and fair way to keep your clients on toes. You could ask them to share your posts on social media or even repost them for a free gift, and through this process, your brand will be made known to more people.
8. Live video broadcasts
There is power in what the eye can see! Video marketing is quite a popular way that brands have adopted to use in creating awareness. What the people see is what they will believe. Going live on Facebook even during your corporate events is a good way of "killing two birds with one stone", you will ensure that your event is a success and that your online clients follow on what happened during the event.
9. Have a theme for your event
Do not just plan an event without knowing what exactly you intend to shine the light on. Having a theme for your event will enable your clients and potential clients to engage and know what exactly your brand is all about. Give your brand event a theme that perfectly aligns with whatever you plan to bring aboard. Let your clients feel the need not to miss out on your events.
So now that everything is in order, you need to pick a venue that not only speaks for the brand but also sells the brand name in a very appealing way. Make people want to know what brand you are just by the venue you have chosen for your event. Make sure the venue has a place for a step and repeat for your guests to take photos in front of, make sure there are plenty of plugs on the walls to plug in all event equipment and extra, and make sure that parking is easily accessible and safe. All these things will be a reflection of your brand.
Brand awareness at events can be one of the exhilarating and most rewarding things your company can do. Whether you are introducing your brand to the market or pushing new products in an already existing brand, you should be good to go with the correct strategies and the above tips!